A few weeks ago in mid-August we Horse Trail Chicks loaded up the ponies and headed to The Bunkhouse with several of our good friends. “What is The Bunkhouse?” you may ask! Well, check out our page on the Bunkhouse and their website for great information about it.
Despite a few trailering hiccups that resulted in us pulling over in a gun shop parking lot, sending an SOS to my wonderful boyfriend and the amazing woman who runs our barn, a borrowed truck, unloading the horses in said gun shop parking lot along a busy road (which the horses had no problem with at all), and then arriving after dark, we had such a wonderful trip!
We settled the horses in, unloaded our gear, and got to the serious business of enjoying the homemade cookies that Kelly left for us. Yum! The first night was early to bed after a fairly exhausting day.
I don’t keep my horse Prophet at home with me, so seeing him first thing in the morning is a really wonderful rarity for me. Getting that early morning nicker (aka “feed me” I’m sure) directed my way brings a smile to my face.

Hey mom! Where is my breakfast?!
After tending the equines, we enjoyed a nice breakfast ourselves. We were still waiting for one more friend to arrive, but enjoyed a nice short roughly 2 mile ride to stretch everyone’s legs that morning.

Monica, of course, went bareback.
After that we let the horses have a break while we had a delicious lunch and our friend arrived. Then it was time to tack up again!

The Bunkhouse has these great small paddocks that make tacking up super convenient.
Kelly, who owns The Bunkhouse, served as trail guide for all of our rides this trip. She knows the trails really well and took us to some amazing areas! I don’t have a ton of photos during the rides yet since I was using my GoPro to video. I’ll be posting a video with clips from our trip soon though.

Gorgeous trails and wonderful friends!
We rode about 9 miles and we were happily tired when we arrived back at The Bunkhouse. There is this great local pizza place that does wood fired pizza with a live band on Saturday nights nearby. We went last year when we were staying at The Bunkhouse and jumped at the chance to go back.

We all piled into the pickup and headed for dinner.

A good time was had by all!
The next day, Sunday, Kelly took us on another amazing 9 mile adventure. It was drizzling most of the day, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying the beautiful trails.

The photos don’t do it justice!
Sadly three of our crew had to head home Sunday afternoon leaving just us three die hards for another night. One of those that had to leave was Prophet’s best friend, Rio. He had some things to say about that….

Rio! Don’t leave!
The three of us led by Kelly had another great ride on Monday morning.

Sadly our last day at The Bunkhouse (this time!)
After that we loaded up and headed home. It was such an amazing trip! I can’t wait to go back.

Snacks are necessary before trailering home!
Happy trails!
Nice blog Kerrie! I enjoyed reading about your adventures. 🙂