Month: February 2019

Why? A Shetland Tale

A friend of mine, Anna, has always loved horses, but recently she made the switch from riding to … “Shetlanding”. That is, she purchased a 10 hand tall Shetland (maybe Shetland – Mini cross?). You may be thinking “Why?”. Honestly, I know I was! Well, first, she bought him as a pet for her retired…

Horse vs. Bicycle

“A bicycle is a better form of transportation than a horse,” my brother, Eric, declared over a lobster dinner one night.  It was the 1970s and I was about 11 or 12 years old, my brother 16 or 17. We and our siblings were living with our father on Cape Cod for the summer. “No,…

Horsie Valentine

Like some of you, I have a human Valentine. However, let’s be honest… our horses are seriously better Valentines than our humans could ever be! Why? Well, here are just a few reasons: Talk about cheap date! No need to take your horse to a hip new restaurant with overpriced food – those 99 cent…

One Woman’s Quest to Get You Out on the Trail More

Imagine a native Vermonter who moves to Alaska and is so dedicated to trail riding that she ties a blanket around her waist with baling twine to fend off the winter cold. Then, picture her at a sewing machine stitching belt loops onto that blanket so she can put it on like a skirt. Now…