Smartpak “If Horses Were People” videos

Type of media: video

Producer: Smartpak

Recommended: Yes!

Horse Trail Chicks rating: 5 (out of 5) carrots

If you have not seen the videos “If Horses Were People,” produced by Smartpak, you are in for a real treat. In a series of short 1- to 2-minute videos, two Smartpak staffers act out the parts of a human, Sara, and her horse, Sarah. Sarah does the normal things that horses do, such as try to get out in front of everyone else on the trail and then come to a dead stop, rip her brand new coat that Sara bought her, refuse to get in the car, walk by something 3 times and on the 4th time spook at it, and writhe around sick until she becomes completely normal the minute the vet arrives.

There are special blanketing editions, broodmare editions, veterinarian editions, and my favorites – farrier editions and “If Horses Could Text” editions.

The videos are hilarious and they are just so spot on when it comes to horse behavior.

You can see all the videos by going to the Smarkpak Youtube channel.