Month: April 2019

Conflicting Advice

I find that horse people are very particular. They have strong feelings about how things should be done, from how to lead a horse or put on a bridle how to train a horse. When I was a kid I took lessons at a local stable and learned the basics of being around horses. As…

Unicorn Day

Today, April 9th, just so happens to be Unicorn Day! Is this a weird made up thing? Yes, yes it is. However, it makes me think about my unicorn. In real horse terms, a unicorn is usually that special and often magical horse who checks all of your boxes. Can’t you just picture a unicorn…

In the Middle are the Horsemen by Tik Maynard – book review

Tik Maynard’s memoir, In the Middle are the Horsemen, is a humble, endearing book, just like the man himself. He tells the story of his multi-year quest to define his place in the world of professional riding and training. I have seen Tik teach and witnessed him transform nervous, high-headed horses into relaxed puppy dogs…