Unicorn Day April 10, 2019 July 15, 2019 Kerrie Garvey

Today, April 9th, just so happens to be Unicorn Day! Is this a weird made up thing? Yes, yes it is. However, it makes me think about my unicorn. In real horse terms, a unicorn is usually that special and often magical horse who checks all of your boxes.

Can’t you just picture a unicorn horn on him?

Prophet is my unicorn for so may reasons.

  • He’s tall, handsome, and majestic.
  • He loves running and jumping.
  • Trail riding is totally his jam.
  • He’s athletic and loves to go fast!
  • He is one of the most “one person horses” I have ever met, and I get to be that person.
  • He wants to hang out with me more than he wants to eat his food a lot of the time.
  • We have a great time whether we ride, do groundwork, or just hang out in his stall or paddock.
  • He hops right on the trailer without hesitation and loves to go explore new places.
To be fair, you probably should have known I was going to go here by the title of this post.

Despite all of these wonderful things, Prophet is not perfect. To me, a unicorn doesn’t equal objective perfection, it’s more about being perfect for each other.

This really has been at the forefront of my mind lately as Prophet has been struggling with a bout of cellulitis for the past 10 days. I can’t imagine my horsie life without him in the starring role!

The point of all of this unicorn talk is that I think it’s a really special and, yes, magical thing when you find your real life horse version of a unicorn. The same is true when a horse has found their perfect match (aka real life human unicorn) too.

Tell us about your unicorn in the comments below!

Happy Trails!
