Have you ever felt like your life was a swirling vortex of insanity? I’m guessing if you have existed as a human for the past couple of years, you can safely say “yes”.
In my life, not only have the global issues impacted things, but a lot of things you just don’t expect and can’t really ever be prepared for have happened. For one, I unexpectedly lost my aunt back in February of 2021. My aunt was my last remaining relative on my Dad’s side of the family and was a huge lover of animals and so supportive of horse related pursuits. For another, Zydin, the horse that I just bought in May of 2020, had to undergo no one but two surgeries to remove small pieces of wood that had somehow become embedded deep in his leg.

Horses have long been my refuge from the stress of everyday life, including dealing with loss. And, due to no fault of his own (except at some point likely impaling his leg on a stick), Zydin wasn’t able to be there for me. So, I had to be there for him, which I was happy to do. For months and months we slowly rehabbed according to vet’s orders. However, it became clear after this time that Zydin would not be able to return to his former work load of trails and dressage. I posted an ad seeking a half leaser for him who wanted to take things a bit slower. A wonderful horsewoman I know saw the ad and approached me about leasing and then potentially buying him. He has been with her since last February and is living his best life without stressing his weak leg.
Now, this may seem like an easy decision when I present it like this, but I agonized over it for months.
However, I truly believe that Zydin was the absolutely right horse for me when I got him and he helped me remember my love of horses and our relationships and connections with these special animals. When I started working with Zydin, I had pretty recently lost my heart horse, Prophet.

I was absolutely devastated when I lost Prophet and my confidence with horses and in life went so far down. I don’t think I realized how far until I was on the other side. At that time, I needed a wonderful steady horse that I could trust and connect with, and Zydin was that horse for me. His medical issues (to put it bluntly) sucked. However, looking forward to going to the barn and working with my horse was such a great feeling to have again.
When I made the decision to let Zydin go to his next home, I became excited about finding my next equine partner and building that relationship again.
One of my favorite horse people, Karen Rolhf, has a podcast I was listening to recently. One episode was called “Reasons, Seasons, and Lifetimes”, and this topic really struck home for me. She talked about the way that horses can come into our lives for a reason (to foster your love of riding, to help you get over something in your life, or just to give you some joy), a season (like a lease on a great confidence builder), and a lifetime (those heart horses who we keep with us forever). Even if they don’t stay with you, they may be exactly what you need at the time and you may be the same for them. I like to think that Zydin came into my life for a reason – to remind me why I love having a partnership with a horse, how much I love riding, and remember that horses make the whole world a happier place for me. I have been lucky to have had at least one horse for a lifetime – Prophet, my heart horse, who would never have left me if I could have prevented it.
So, thank you to all of the horses out there that help us become the people we are today and will be in the future – whether they are with us for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

Happy Trails!
We are all looking forward to seeing which one of those this next horse will be for you. Another true partner I hope!
What a wonderful piece. I related to it on so many levels. Thank you for sharing this.
Great writing, Kerrie! So heartfelt and so so true!