Category: Advice

Finding Your Corner Pieces

The other day I was talking to my co-worker Elissa, who has a 4-year old daughter (let’s call her “Luna”). Now, Luna is a very imaginative person and a creative thinker who has lots of adventures in her head. Just the other night Luna was telling her mom that sometimes at night the noise that…

DIY Obstacles!

We really enjoy mixing up normal ring riding in the winter with obstacles. These obstacles do a number of things: help us build trust with our equine partners,break up the routine ring work, andhelp desensitize our horses to new and potentially scary objects. Our general go-to obstacles in our ring are fairly limited. We mostly…

Trouble-Shooting Trailer Wiring

If you’ve ever had a light (or all the lights) go out on your trailer, you know that trouble-shooting it can be really intimidating. You’re smart enough to know that the problem could be the truck wiring, a bad trailer wire, or bad light. But how do you figure out which one of these it…

T-Rex on Horseback – How Quiet People Make Spooky Horses

Humans are weird. We talk with our hands. We make strange noises. We move erratically. Sometimes, it feels like we should try to be quiet and still around horses so that they are quiet around us. Not exposing horses to these weird things actually can make them more spooky because they are not desensitized to…

Feeding the Obsession – Podcasts from Horse Radio Network (review)

If you are anything like me, when you are not riding your horse or caring for your horse or shopping for your horse, you are thinking about your horse. I have discovered a great way to feed my obsession and fill those wasted hours when I am away from my horse: listening to podcasts about…

No Swords Here – Why to be an Ambimounter

Like most people, I was always taught to mount my horse and lead my horse from the left. I don’t know about you, but when I started riding at 11 years old, I didn’t really think to ask why it was always the left. There were so many other horse related things that had to…

Are you SURE your saddle fits your horse?

Years ago, if you owned one saddle, chances are it would fit most of your horses, at least well enough. But this is no longer the case. What’s changed? For one thing, the variety of horse breeds that people commonly ride has changed. When I was growing up the most popular breeds were thoroughbreds, Arabians,…

The Bank Robber’s Knot

Is your relationship with knots characterized by fear and loathing, or curiosity and delight? Personally, I love learning new knots and feel especially gratified when I can chose just the right knot for every job. I want to share with you my favorite knot for tying a horse to a trailer (or other object). It’s…

The Pleasure:Risk Ratio

If you rode horses as a teenager, you probably could tell stories about the crazy things you did and wonder how you survived. If you are a teenager now, you probably do crazy things on horses and – one day – you will wonder how you survived. For me it was working around horses barefoot,…

Conflicting Advice

I find that horse people are very particular. They have strong feelings about how things should be done, from how to lead a horse or put on a bridle how to train a horse. When I was a kid I took lessons at a local stable and learned the basics of being around horses. As…