Category: Horse facts

Let’s Discuss – Horse Poop on Trails

Have you ever seen posts on social media or talked to people who bemoan that horses are allowed on some multi-use trails? Welcome to this series where we are going to take a look at common complaints about trail riding and horses on trails and dispel some myths. We’ll keep doing this series until we…

Save a Horse, Ride a Mustang

Most people have probably heard of a mustang (no, not the car), but do you actually know what a mustang is? All knew until recently was that they are an iconic American symbol of the wild west – beautiful and hardy. Did you know that the word “mustang” means “wild, stray, or having no master”…

Horse Vision – That Explains a Lot!

Greetings, predators! Yes, you with your forward facing eyes with your binocular vision and your sharp canine teeth and all of that. Even though these days most of us go shopping at the grocery store rather than chasing down prey, we are still predators. To state the obvious, horses… are not. They are 1,000 pound…