Author: Kerrie Garvey

Let’s Discuss – Horse Poop on Trails

Have you ever seen posts on social media or talked to people who bemoan that horses are allowed on some multi-use trails? Welcome to this series where we are going to take a look at common complaints about trail riding and horses on trails and dispel some myths. We’ll keep doing this series until we…

Bit and Bridle Fitting

How do you choose what bit and bridle is best for you and your horse? “What a suitable bit does is make it possible for the rider’s aids to be communicated clearly to the horse, with the least possible stress on the horse.“ – Katie Cook For me, I think I know enough not to…

Save a Horse, Ride a Mustang

Most people have probably heard of a mustang (no, not the car), but do you actually know what a mustang is? All knew until recently was that they are an iconic American symbol of the wild west – beautiful and hardy. Did you know that the word “mustang” means “wild, stray, or having no master”…

A Forever Horse and Horses Forever

Have you ever felt like your life was a swirling vortex of insanity? I’m guessing if you have existed as a human for the past couple of years, you can safely say “yes”. In my life, not only have the global issues impacted things, but a lot of things you just don’t expect and can’t…

Cold Weather Riding – Enjoy the Ride and Don’t Freeze!

I live in Vermont. For most of the year, I love the climate. The summers are beautiful and the fall is my favorite time to ride. However, the full winter months can be… a bit rough. This morning when I woke up, it was -7 degrees F. It’s now a balmy 3 degrees F! I…

What’s a Bemer?

About a month ago a friend of mine, Pat Fay, let me know that she would be getting a BEMER set soon and asked if I wanted to start treatments on my horse, Zydin. Well… maybe I am a little uninformed, but I basically looked like this: So, Pat was very patient with me and…

Impulse Buying a Horse

Since January I have been lucky enough to half lease a wonderful, sweet, amazingly talented, and fun horse. I have had so much fun with this wonderful guy over the past several months, and on paper he checks all of my “dream horse” boxes. However, even though we get along great and I really enjoy…

After the Storm – Reconditioning Your Trail Horse

The world is a different place than it was a few months ago when I was thinking about traveling, camping trips with the horses, and getting ready for a fun season of trail riding. Like many, my barn has been closed to boarders and I haven’t been able to see him in weeks. I miss…

Helping Your Horse Find Peace Through Horsemanship

This week I (virtually) sit down with Jennifer Poulin of Cold Hollow Hoofcare, LLC to talk a little about horsemanship. For the past 15 years Jen has been on a journey of learning about horsemanship – apprenticing, attending clinics, lessons, and watching many wonderful quality horse men and women. She has taken the time to…

A Refuge with 4 Legs, a Mane, and a Tail

We all know that the world is currently a crazy scary place for so many people. As I arrived at the barn tonight after a stressful and worrying day, I couldn’t help but breathe a little easier. I felt some of my stress melt away immediately and the longer I spent with the horses, the…