Impulse Buying a Horse May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 Kerrie Garvey

Since January I have been lucky enough to half lease a wonderful, sweet, amazingly talented, and fun horse. I have had so much fun with this wonderful guy over the past several months, and on paper he checks all of my “dream horse” boxes.

However, even though we get along great and I really enjoy riding him, he doesn’t really feel like my horse. For someone that has never felt that connection with a horse, this is an almost impossible thing to explain. I had this connection with my horse who passed away last year, Prophet, and it was just the best. Something about us just clicked. Were our rides always perfect? Nope! But I always felt at home with him.

Prophet <3

For the past month or two, I have been lucky enough to start riding my friend’s horse who she has been working with. His name is Zydin (or Z for short) and he’s a 14 year old Cheval Canadian. On paper, he really isn’t my ideal horse. I tend to gravitate towards thoroughbreds or other similar breeds. Most of the horses that I ride have been tall and fairly slim and good jumpers.

Prophet was a 17 hand off the track thoroughbred and could jump 4 feet easily. Z is 15.3 hands, fairly wide, and doesn’t know how to jump.

He’s not exactly built like a thoroughbred…
Photo credit: Sabrina Batemen

Unfortunately for my friend, Z has nice suspension in his gaits and has some trouble keeping his canter at times. Her bad back can’t take that kind of impact, so he wasn’t a great fit for her. However, the more I rode him, the more I started to feel at home on his back. Trail rides were incredibly fun again and every small improvement in our ring riding was such an accomplishment! Even though on paper they are total opposites, there is something that feels very similar about Z and Prophet’s personalities.

And he is pretty adorable!

Well, I’m sure you can see where this is going by now….

I wasn’t looking to buy a horse at all, but I still asked my friend if she would be willing to sell him to me. On Monday I signed the papers and impulse bought a horse! I am now the official owner of this wonderful sweet boy. I am so excited for all of our adventures and looking forward to getting to know him better.

My impulse buy!

Here’s to hoping that you too have found or will soon find your horse. There really is nothing like it.

Happy trails!
