Month: May 2020

Horses and Money, and More Money, and More Money…

There are two kinds of horse people: those who have a pretty good idea of how much money they spend on their horses, and those who have no idea (and probably don’t want to know). A few years ago I attended a seminar at my credit union about budgeting. They gave us a spreadsheet for…

Impulse Buying a Horse

Since January I have been lucky enough to half lease a wonderful, sweet, amazingly talented, and fun horse. I have had so much fun with this wonderful guy over the past several months, and on paper he checks all of my “dream horse” boxes. However, even though we get along great and I really enjoy…

We Are All Essential

We’ve been hearing the word “essential” a lot lately. “Non-essential” businesses have been forced to close. “Non-essential” workers have been laid off. We are instructed to avoid all “non-essential” travel and activities. But how do we define “essential?” And who decides what is essential? Don’t get me wrong – the restrictions that have been put…